Certifications, Green Bonds, Sustainability & Associations

Sustainability Reports 2023 - 2024 Plantations Reports
Type Year Documents Completed Location Date Documents Completed
Sustainability Report 2023 PDF Si Racha, Chonburi January 2023 PDF
Green Bond Report 2024 PDF Chom Bueng, Ratchaburi March 2024 PDF
Tree Audit Green Bond BDO 2023 PDF Lao Khwan, Kanchanaburi September 2023 PDF
Green Bond Second Party Opinion 2022 PDF
Sustainability Reports 2023 - 2024
Type Year Documents Completed
Sustainability Report 2023 PDF
Green Bond Report 2024 PDF
Tree Audit Green Bond BDO 2023 PDF
Green Bond Second Party Opinion 2024 PDF
Plantations Reports
Location Date Documents Completed
Si Racha, Chonburi Jan- 2023 PDF
Chom Bueng, Ratchaburi Mar-2024 PDF
Lao Khwan, Kanchanaburi Sept-2023 PDF
Thailand Plantation Certifications Malaysia Plantation Certifications
GAP Thailand 2024 PDF Wholesale, Retail & Trade (WRT) 2022
Global GAP 2024 PDF FAMA 2022
PEFC - Sustainable Forestry Management 2023 PDF Department of Agriculture 2022
Thailand Import Export License 2024 PDF
Thailand Plantation Certifications
GAP Thailand 2024 PDF
Global GAP 2024 PDF
PEFC - Sustainable Forestry Management 2023 PDF
Thailand Import Export License 2024 PDF
Malaysia Plantation Certifications
Wholesale, Retail & Trade (WRT) 2022
FAMA 2022
Department of Agriculture 2022

Mango Plantations Report

We are very fortunate at Plantations International to have some of the most dedicated, hard-working agricultural specialists available in Thailand. They are able to manage our plantations to the highest of levels but even they understand that it is always important to have a second opinion from someone with expert knowledge.
This is why we produce an independent report on our plantations by the Assistant Professor, Dr. Jenjira from Kasetsart University in Bangkok. Dr. Jenjira visits our plantations each quarter and writes a detailed report on the soil, trees, fruits, roots and water.  We find this a most helpful barometer of how we are performing at managing the plantations and together with the expert advice offered from Dr. Jenjira on any improvements we can make, we feel it is an ideal partnership for our company and clients.
Each quarter, Assistant Professor Jenjira Chumpookam from the Faculty of Agriculture at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, conducts reviews of our plantations in Thailand. These reviews are scheduled on a rotational basis across our four current plantations, ensuring that each one receives an independent evaluation. This process is crucial for Plantations International as it covers various aspects of our operations, including water management, soil health, and fruit quality.


Our initial valuation came from the global top 10 accounting company Mazars. They reviewed the profit structure for our Agarwood, Mango and Durian plantations in 2022. The report was produced during the second half of 2022, the first one from Thailand incorporating our Agarwood and Mango plantations and a second valuation for our Organic Musang King Durian from our Malaysia plantations where both Thailand and Malaysia offices for Mazars combined to produce the valuation.

Green Bonds

Sustainalytics, part of the Morningstar group, was the company producing the second party opinion on Plantations International. This opinion covered a wide range of details at our company where we had to create our own company framework which would be evaluated by Sustainalytics. Many meetings ensued prior to finally after approximately 8 months Plantations International was granted our Green Bonds Framework which the bonds would be based around.
Our Green Bonds are currently listed in Vienna, Austria with the bonds being administered and registered by Creatrust in Luxembourg.

Tree Audit - BDO Auditors Thailand

For our Green Bonds we were required to count the trees at our Kanchanaburi plantation. BDO Auditors in Thailand sent a team of 10 accountants to count the trees at our plantation. We had to achieve 14,000 trees which duly arrived during the 2nd day of counting.


Our initial valuation came from the global top 10 accounting company Mazars. They reviewed the profit structure for our Agarwood, Mango and Durian plantations in 2022. The report was produced during the second half of 2022, the first one from Thailand incorporating our Agarwood and Mango plantations and a second valuation for our Organic Musang King Durian from our Malaysia plantations where both Thailand and Malaysia offices for Mazars combined to produce the valuation.

Certifications in Thailand

We are the first Mango Plantation in Thailand to achieve the prestigious PEFC certification for Sustainable Forestry Management. The hardwork and dedication of our employees at our Laokwhan, Kanchanaburi plantation ensured we would be the first to achieve this. Achieving this certification gave a major boost to Plantations International and we can’t thank our employees at this plantation enough for all their efforts.
We achieved GAP local in early 2024 for all our plantations in Thailand. Good agricultural practice is a certification system for agriculture, specifying procedures that must be implemented to create food for consumers or further processing that is safe and wholesome, using sustainable methods.
Global GAP sets the standards for primary production and the supply chain. From fruits and flowers to fish and feed, our portfolio is based on a robust third-party certification system that is developed in collaboration with sector stakeholders and strengthened by a framework of smart IT systems. Our holistic solutions and broader activities support the six key impact areas of food safety, environmental sustainability, workers’ well-being, animal welfare, supply chain transparency, and capacity building. We are registered for audit in the first quarter of 2024 and all being well we should receive this certification very soon after the audit.
From fighting deforestation and climate change to building economic opportunities and better working conditions for rural people, the Rainforest Alliance is working to solve urgent environmental and social challenges. Protecting forests and biodiversity is at the very heart of the Rainforest Alliance’s mission. We have developed wide-ranging, innovative strategies to conserve and restore nature—all while improving the livelihoods of people who live from the land. We are targeting the 2nd quarter 2024 to achieve this certification which is essential for exporting to supermarkets across the European Union.
MyOrganic is a Malaysian organic certification scheme that is based on the Malaysian Organic Scheme Standard (SOM). The scheme is a tool in the Techno Agricultural Extension System (SPTP) of the Department of Agriculture Malaysia. Our target to achieve organic status and become the only Musang King Organic Durian worldwide is the 4th quarter 2024. 
MyGAP is a comprehensive certification scheme for the crop, aquaculture and livestock sectors. MyGAP is implemented based on the Malaysian Standard (MS). MS 1784:2005 Crop Commodities. We are registered at MyGAP and look forward to achieving this certification during the 4th quarter 2024.
The Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (FAMA) was established on the 30th September 1965 under Act 141 as a marketing agency under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry. FAMA is responsible for the marketing of agro-food products such as vegetables, fruits and floriculture as well as agro-based industry products. We are registered with FAMA from February 2022 as a producer.
Wholesale, Retail, and Trade (WRT) licenses are issued by the Malaysian Ministry of Domestic Trade, locally known as Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri (KPDN) for foreign-owned businesses in Malaysia operating within distributive trade businesses. We achieved this license during 2023 in preparation for our trading in Organic Musang King Durian.



In Thailand we are registered members of the FTI – The Federation of Thai Industries and the European Chamber of Commerce.


In Malaysia we are registered members of the Malaysian Chambers Of Commerce & Industry and the International Chambers Of Commerce & Industry. We are also the principal members creating the Durian Plantations Board in Malaysia.