Regen Farming

Regenerative farming is the fashionable area of farming at the current moment.
At Plantations International we have been using these techniques, practices and skills as a normal plantation management operation. These regenerative practices ensure our soils and fertilizers are revitalizing and invigorating for our land, creating the very best of growing conditions for our trees.
It’s simple, we care for our trees and they grow and produce the most beautiful plantations and fruit.
Let’s explore some of the techniques of how we regenerate, revitalize and condition our plantations the natural way. Note, we are not organic at this time for Mango plantations, we do use some chemicals but very much in moderation on a needs basis.

Going Bananas!

We add Bananas to areas of the plantations which require more nitrogen in the soil. A neutral way to increase the nitrogen content in the soil.


Beans and peas offer a great way to add nitrogen to the soil. Combined with the bananas our soils receive a nitrogen boost continually ensuring we have this important ingredient for our soils.


Beans and peas offer a great way to add nitrogen to the soil. Combined with the bananas our soils receive a nitrogen boost continually ensuring we have this important ingredient for our soils.

Big Bamboo & Eucalyptus Trees

These 2 are an important part of our plantations. These create natural windbreaks for the plantations which reduces the amount of swaying of the Mango trees. This swaying causes the fruits to rub on each other or leaves or branches creating bruised fruits. Reducing this swaying as much as possible creates more Grade A Mango Fruit the natural way!

Condensing the Fertilized Tree Strips​

Our trees are placed in straight lines at the plantation so to us here at Plantations International it was common sense that we wouldn’t fertilize the whole area of the field. What we would do is use the same amount of fertilizer on the tree strips only, thereby creating a tree strip area of highly concentrated fertilized soil which gives are trees a fabulous boost as soon as we plant them!

Condensing the Fertilized Tree Strips​

Our trees are placed in straight lines at the plantation so to us here at Plantations International it was common sense that we wouldn’t fertilize the whole area of the field. What we would do is use the same amount of fertilizer on the tree strips only, thereby creating a tree strip area of highly concentrated fertilized soil which gives are trees a fabulous boost as soon as we plant them!

Fish Fermentation Fertilizer

This is a specially prepared secret sauce we use which is a combination of various ingredients including fish. The natural ingredients are mixed together and left to ferment for 3 months at our plantations and then added directly to the tree stumps or sprayed on to the trees. Before long, leaves and flowers are sprouting from the branches and our trees look wonderful and in the rudest of health!


Revitalizing our customers' plantations is a continuous process. We experiment on an ongoing basis using small parts of the plantations to see the effects and any change in the behavior of the land or the trees. Positive outcomes from these experiments are slowly introduced across the plantations with continuous management ensuring the outcomes are remaining positive. We are very fortunate at Plantations International to have a dedicated agricultural plantations team steeped in academia that has the interest and ambition to pursue the very best agricultural outcomes and improvements.


Revitalizing our customers' plantations is a continuous process. We experiment on an ongoing basis using small parts of the plantations to see the effects and any change in the behavior of the land or the trees. Positive outcomes from these experiments are slowly introduced across the plantations with continuous management ensuring the outcomes are remaining positive. We are very fortunate at Plantations International to have a dedicated agricultural plantations team steeped in academia that has the interest and ambition to pursue the very best agricultural outcomes and improvements.
Further information on Regenerative Farming Practices will be coming soon, as a full report is currently in process. Look out for this in the not too distant future!